Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kannon and Emry= Cute

Meeet my friend's little guy.....
and his big sister...
oh.. yes, here they are.
Mr. Kannon turned One so it was time for some pictures.
They are so dang cute I don't even know what to say.
I mean, look, they are just dang cute.
Alone. Cute.
Together. Cute.

How do their parents handle this cuteness all day long!!! (i'm sure with lots of hugs and kisses)


cassie said...

great pics shanny! they are adorable and i'm sure it was hard to get all those great shots with a one year old! they all turned out super. nice work!

Shannonheick said...

thanks Cass! i can't wait to see some of yours coming down the pipeline as well....get snappin!

Lindsay said...

Oh oh! Love the little man's accessory! :-)

Shannonheick said...

yes, Linds! i have some coming up with the ones you made!!! :)

For luxury, natural light photography contact Shannon at

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