Saturday, February 19, 2011

Drumroll Please.....Come On Down.........{Fargo Blog Contest}

Let's just start this off by saying, "I love winning blog contests!" Big time! One time I won a blog contest with Heidi Smith Photography, who is now my friend by the way....and I'm so lucky for that! you know I was so excited to have won!!! Like..I rarely, RARELY win anything. Especially online. (although...there was this one our after prom party where I won a TV-now that was pretty saaa-weet) But beyond that....really, I RARELY win! Anyway, we had a great session with my now super nice friend, Heidi, and I will always cherish those pictures! You can see those photos HERE.

Ok, so.........because I love winning soooo much........ and I know you all love winning so much ..........and it's 2:45 in the morning(can't sleep-pregnancy brain)...... and I don't know which online picker thingy to pick...................and there were just three of you who applied to the contest.............guess what!!!

Ok..first though....let's have a picture. Because what is a post without a picture! Here's me finally being in a few pictures WITH my little loves. Ok.... so let me also just go on record here and say that my children do not behave in this sweet, angelic, we-love-our-mother fashion on command all the time. Really....if you remember the previous will remember and see the evidence that I had JUST stuffed them full of Valentine frosting and sprinkles [evidence of this can be seen on Chase's shirt sleeve] they were pretty much putty in my hands...for those 3 seconds anyway.

But, regardless of how I accomplished such a victory. And regardless of the fact that this is a self-portrait, by me, of me. I really, really, like REALLY heart these photos!

Ok. Back to the contest.....drumroll again please.......


Yay! Cue the music from Wheel of Fortune....or the Price is Right...because:


You have all won a $25 gift certificate to use with MiraBella Photography!

So come on down! Ok, don't come on down because I have no stage..... but just go ahead and email me your contact info and include your address so I can mail you your super sweet little prize package! :)

Email me at : please. Thank you!

Happy Saturday everyone. Happy Saturday.


cassie said...

I Won.....yahhhh!!!! I'll just pick it up when I'm there. LOL!! But since I'm waayyy in the hole to Mirabella Photography maybe I could use it towards my debt! Thanks again! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Shannonheick said...

oh my word Cassie, i didn't know it was YOU cassie who commented! that comment was way to mushy coming from you! Haaaaa. yay, let's do a mommy and me photoshoot when you come!

cassie said...

omg what other cassie do you know??? that is funny!! of course its was a serious question. lol!! i'm definately down for a mommy and me photoshoot!

For luxury, natural light photography contact Shannon at

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