So far, in your almost 5 years as our boy, you have managed to score yourself the following:
1. a baker's dozen of lovely confetti cupcakes straight off the cooling rack
( i was the baker by the way)
2. 287 sneaky bites of Leighton's toast
3. a 1/2 full TIN, lidded container of baby formula
(yes, I said lidded, meaning sealed-ask me for pictures of that one)
4. a couple of slabs of thawed/uncooked chicken while I was starting the grill
5. a mind-numbing number of pizza slices left on the pizza stone
6. approximately 103 dirty, pee pee diapers (yes, i know-he's disgusting)
7. an entire box of Leighton's crayola crayons (which made for a colorful yard the next day)
8. an unprecedented number of any type of little toy part, puzzle piece, race track one can imagine. and I both know the list goes on and on.
But.... spite of all your naughty misgivings, I happen to think you are one mighty fine lookin dog to have around!

Ohhh, and you are pretty soft to snuggle with too!
I love you big guy- now drop those panties you just stole
from my dirty clothes pile. OR ELSE!!!
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